User documentation


We prepare the user documentation of your product. We can also edit your existing documentation, advise you on your documentation process, and offer you training in technical writing.


We do not have a typical price. We will give you a price quote when we get familiar with your project. The price depends on the volume of the content, the specifics of the domain, and the scope of the task. Please contact us at [email protected] or (359 2) 48 33 957.


Our documentation process is designed to lead to high quality documentation. We adapt to the needs and in-house processes of our clients.



The stages of our documentation process are planning, designing, writing, reviewing, and editing. We deliver the following types of documentation:

  • Instructional and reference documentation - online or offline help, usage and installation instructions, cheat sheets, manuals, glossaries, and troubleshooting texts;
  • Interface texts – labels, menus, buttons, in-built instructions, and messages;
  • Tutorials and training materials – guides and tutorials for self study or materials for in-class training complete with instructional texts, tips, exercises, and exams;
  • Demos and presentations – films demonstrating the product interface and usage flow or static presentations with product feature lists and screenshots.

Our technical writers have good to excellent understanding of the writing process, excellent English, and good technical aptitude. In terms of experience, we qualify our technical writers as:

  • Beginner – people having no or limited (up to 3-4 months) experience on the job. They have at least gone through training for technical writers.
  • Intermediate – people with some experience. They have completed at least two projects. Their experience on the job ranges from a few months to 2 years.
  • Senior – people with significant experience and knowledge in the field. They have more than 2 years on the job and a number of different writing projects.
  • Master – people with proven record of successful writing projects. They have practice of 6 and more years on the job. Their extensive experience and judgment allow them to plan and accomplish goals. They also lead, mentor, and direct the work of others.

Editing and Proofreading

Editing is performed by technical writers with senior and master skills. Editors check texts for:
  • Good language - spelling, grammar, style;
  • Proper formatting - narrative, bullets, paragraphs, terms, style, white space, and so on;
  • Accuracy and order - suitable sequences of instructions in a topic and topics in a chapter, completeness of procedures, presentation of texts and samples accurately without misleading the readers;
  • Simplicity - texts explain only the necessary without going into details unless necessary.
  • Terminology - texts take into consideration the education and knowledge of readers and introduce new terms appropriately.

We work with native English speakers as proofreaders.


We train people with no or little experience in the field of technical writing and help them acquire basic knowledge and gain some practical skills. Our general introductory course balances theory with practical exercises. The theoretical part gives participants the framework of technical writing, basic concepts, and guidelines. It also points to further resources and materials. The exercises offer participants a chance to practice their skills and receive personal feedback on their work.
Know and do workshop: includes theory and practice. Each session ends with the application of acquired skills. The practical exercises can be adjusted to meet specific needs or be drawn from a specific domain.
Each person who completes the introductory course in technical writing learns how to plan, outline, write, and review a help topic, support article, specification document, or another piece of text that meets both the needs and expectations of readers. Participants also learn how to plan and modify an existing help system or plan and develop original system documentation using the appropriate tools. They receive basic theoretical knowledge about the field.
Target Audience

The course is especially appropriate for beginner Technical Writers, Customer Support Representatives, and Project Managers. Quality assurance staff and developers also find the course useful and beneficial.


Our staff can provide the client with consulting services in the following areas:

Confidentiality and Publicity

We keep the results confidential. We will not announce that we are working on a specific project unless you want us to do it.

We may use some of the findings, with your explicit permission, in our publications or presentations. We may also request your permission to prepare a case study and use it for marketing and PR purposes for the shared benefit of you as a client and Lucrat as a service provider.

How to order?

Contact Lucrat by email at [email protected] or by phone at (359 2) 48 33 957 to ask for more information, to request this service, or to discuss your needs with a consultant.